I imagine you may be seeking help because your stress and anxiety have been building up and you can’t manage it. 

You may be feeling really conflicted.  You may find that your inner critics voice is quite strong and telling you things such as “I’m not doing enough” or “I’m not being productive enough.” You wish you better understood what you are feeling, you wish you could stop focusing on worst case scenarios, you wish you could feel more a sense of control.     

I provide therapy geared toward adults in their 20s or 30s seeking to manage anxiety, stress, improve self esteem, improve communication, and improve work/life balance. I especially work well with young adults who can’t shake off that inner critic that they are never doing enough. We are going to work together to decrease the hold that inner critic has over your life.

We will tackle your anxiety through changing your thinking and your actions. You will learn how to more specifically identify when your thinking is off and strategies to change the way that you think. I believe the most powerful step toward healing is acceptance. Through providing a non judgemental environment I help you to be okay with accepting your thoughts and emotions as a step toward changing them.  

Beliefs that inform my practice

It’s okay for men to be vulnerable and emotional. However it’s also understandable why men don’t feel they can be. There is not enough support and messaging geared toward men accepting their emotions and expressing their emotions

Therapy should have structure so there is a sense of direction and a way to measure progress

Adult life should be more fulfilling and meaningful than it is for many people

Societal norms and messaging are very constraining and prevent people from developing into their ideal self

Anxiety and Depression are as much a societal problem as a personal problem, society is structured in a way to lead people to feel bad about themselves and never feel they are good enough

The relationship between therapist and client and the ability of a therapist to fully be present with their client and fully understand their client is the most powerful part of therapy

All emotions are valid and represent something

Combining head and heart are important in good decision making

Ready to begin easing your anxiety and feeling better about yourself?